Climate Protection Confirmation


For the climate-neutral promotion of CCEP, all climate-impacting emissions in connection with the promotion are taken into account, from the raw material extraction of the individual elements to their transport to the manufacturer, production including packaging to the transport of the finished product to the warehouse, as well as packaging for distribution and disposal at the end of life. The balancing is carried out in accordance with DIN EN ISO 140671. 

The amount of CO₂ emissions calculated in this way is saved in myclimate projects. These not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also contribute to social, ecological and economic development in the region.

Valid for: CCEP Promotion Coke Zero (winter 2021/2022)

The CO2 emissions will be offset in high-quality myclimate carbon offset projects

Moorland as a climate protector: renaturation of the Königsmoor in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany